Although this marks our first outing to showcase the business marketing end our Video Production company, we came to have fun and engage visitors to our "booth" in helpful dialogue about how they can promote their services and products in a visual, non-hardsell way. We gave out demo DVD's and CD's and even instructional inserts in our brochures to give them a clear understanding of the variety of ways to promote business through video on several marketing platforms. For some people, of course, point-and-shoot DIY videos are just fine. Knowing and keeping up with all the avenues to benefit them still can be a time-consuming task - in fact, a full-time job in itself. And then there are the bigger projects like instructional programs and full-on marketing videos that simply cannot be done on a $300 Flip or iPhone. And that's what we want you to know: No matter what your media project is, it can be done better and more effectively, whether it's on the web or CD/DVD.
The Street Team:
Several friends of mine, who often jump on-board with SCF projects, decided to form the official Star City FAME Street Team. Hans Moore of Ahha Pictures and Josh Seaman, his nephew, ran around the Civic Center with one of our smaller HDV camcorders asking Expo participants if they'd like to be on camera for a short video promo of the event. The two of them collected a nice collage of footage, which Hans, an accomplished video editor, will produce in the coming weeks. (Josh is the young man assisting me with the filming of last season's AMTRAK Excursions out of Roanoke, VA.)
Also, my dear pal Sam Roby manned the table for quite a bit while I snooped around chatting with other vendors at their booths. He is a genuine cut-up at 84 and fits right into our company's business profile! Hard work as our projects always are, we are "Fun about Business, and Serious about Fun!" Who needs another stuffy tie-and-jacket sour-face out there? (Business suits are out; Star City FAME T-Shirts are in! That's why we gave away SCF shirts for our door-prize drawing!!)
Here are some pics of the 2010 Biz Tech Showcase...
The catering was awesome, BTW. Thanks SR-Chamber for the eats, because I was starving by the time I got there and set up our table, haha. The fellow behind the electronic piano sang just like Barry White. (I will have to get his name, folks. I slipped up on that, which is a big no-no considering we support the Arts.)
So here's the Street Team...
Hans Moore, Videographer and Editor, Ahha Pictures
Josh Seaman, Assistant Camerman
Sam Roby, Assistant Sales
Afterwards, Hans caught up with Executive Town Car and Limousine Service owner Patrick Helvey... and disappeared into Pat's finest stretch limo to take some absolutely wild footage of this automobile's stunning interior. Josh and I joined him to horse around on-camera inside the limo. What was hysterical, Pat threw on some Cher in-concert videos. How appropriate without even knowing that we produce the Cher spoof series, "Cher on Crack," right?
How cool is this??
Well, that's it for now... We have some live music footage coming up soon from Nancy and Two Meteors at last month's Happy's gig and also a special Twelve O'Clock Knob performance from the Jefferson Center. There will be a couple surprises too, but I've got to go and edit now!!! See you around Downtown!!
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