I wish I could be everywhere around Roanoke filming things. And I do miss out on a lot of cool stuff. It's hard to keep up with the different events going on, especially in the summer. Some things slip by me... Luckily, I got tipped off by Facebook friend and band leader, Santiago Prada of Twelve O'Clock Knob. So I contacted the good people at the Taubman to ask if I could shoot their Battle of the Bands contest for the Star City FAME YouTube Channel.
The question arose whether SCF would be streaming the BOTB live. Unfortunately, my company was still in shopping-mode for a suitable live stream site. But at the last minute, my webmaster and I decided to choose a rather tech-integrated vendor and begin testing late Friday, just one day before the BOTB event. We did succeed in setting it up and running a live test demo. So off I went Saturday morning with the usual video gear plus additional equipment to attempt a broadcast of the show on a designated Star City FAME webpage. Alas, Roanoke WiFi would not reach behind the Taubman building. It took me a half hour to set up for the shoot, all the while connecting to any and every wireless signal that came up with a pulse and re-logging into the livestream site. I finally gave up and focused my full attention to the stage and filming. (Perhaps next time I should bring along 500 feet of Cat5 cable and ask to tap off the Museum's LAN/WAN... )
I knew I was in for a long day, so I brought 10 HDV tapes to cover the show. I used up six of them and documented every song by every band that played the BOTB. Though I started out setting up next to the PA mixing board some 70 feet away from the stage, I eventually drifted all the way to the front and off to the side only 5 feet away. Stage Sound granted me a line-out off the submixer. Thanks Stage Sound!! (They are my pro-audio supplier for SCF's music recording projects.) I tend to be a MacGiver of sorts, so I had signal converters and cables of every shape and size, including 65 feet of XLR mic cables which allowed for all the close-up camera work (eventually).
The BOTB was a big hit with the local bands and the audience. I had NO IDEA there were so many young and talented original acts here in Roanoke. In all, nineteen bands answered the call to enter the "battle" to try for a grand prize of $1000.
The show started at Noon, with Nancy and 2 Meteors opening things up, and ran until about 8pm. There was a nice variety of genres represented - rock, metal, reggae, hip-hop/DJ, country-rock, avant-guarde, power-pop, and what-not (because I really don't know what some of the newer forms are called these days). The winner for this First Annual event was a Christian Rock Band called Smoke and Mirrors. They didn't sound anything like the inside of any church I've been to... thank the Lord, haha!! I wanna know where they go on Sundays and I'll get my map out. (Yeah, I still use maps.)
After the winners and honorable mentions were announced, the audience shouted out for an encore by Smoke and Mirrors, which they humbly accepted. This took the event closer to 9pm - but it was soooo worth it! Even though my feet, back and neck were killing me from operating the camera, I loved every minute. The Taubman officials, Lisa Martin and Maria, and the staff of Norah's Cafe were wonderful to me, and I thank them deeply for saving my life with bottles of water and goodies. It was hellaciously hot and humid out there all day.
You'd think I would hit the shower and pass out after getting home, but I couldn't wait to roll back the tapes and begin transferring them to the editing computer. The audio quality suffered somewhat due to signal mis-matching, but overall the concert is nicely documented in HD widescreen format. Many of the bands have already contacted me through MySpace, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Therefore, I have since re-scheduled my regular business work to include editing BOTB tapes in the evening so these awesome guys and gals (the artists as well as their great fans) can re-live the moments in what looks to become a legendary annual event at the Taubman Museum of Art.
Here's a list of the bands that performed. Best wishes to them all in their musical journey!
You can surf over to http://www.youtube.com/user/starcityfame to check out uploads of the BOTB.
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